CBD is a well-known chemical that is found in marijuana and its many health benefits have researchers and patients searching for different ways to effectively get this product into the system. Users are likely to smoke the natural cannabis flowers or they may even bake it into food for slower releasing effects. An alternative is to purchase ready made edibles that have been tested for the strength of CBD. The thing is however, that the dose of CBD changes depending on how the cannabis is consumed so you should understand how CBD works and how different methods of ingestion, including vaping, alters its strength.
So How Does CBD Work?
When you use cannabis in any form, not all of the CBD content is absorbed into your body. It is only the small amount that does manage to circulate your body that creates the positive benefits. The efficiency of the CBD is sometimes referred to as bio availability and it is hugely dependent on the way that you consume the cannabis.
The fatty tissues in your body absorb CBD, as it is not water-soluble. It is actually quite hydrophobic. The way that fatty tissues hold onto the CBD however, means that not much of the CBD is actually circulated in your bloodstream, leading to low bio availability and not as many benefits as you’d hope for.
Another problem with CBD is that the levels are filtered even further when it passes through your liver. This is caused by the enzymes in the liver breaking down the CBD molecules.
Avoiding The CBD Loss With Vape Pens
The best way to ensure that you get the maximum bio availability of CBD from your cannabis is to use it in a form that prevents the CBD from escaping from your bloodstream. This can only be done by using certain chemicals and enzymes however, and currently isn’t practical. You can however bypass the breakdown of CBD in your liver and this is what happens when you use vaping. Rather than heading for your gut and liver, when you use vaporizing pens, the CBD is able to diffuse directly into your bloodstream from your lungs.
When you consume cannabis edibles on the other hand, these head for your stomach, then to your liver and the fatty tissues in your stomach and gut lining absorb a large amount of the CBD, as does the liver.
You can achieve a maximum bio availability of around 60% when you use vaporizing pens, which is around the highest results that you can expect from any form of marijuana use. This means that you can get more out of your medical marijuana delivery order.