California Cannabis Czar Evaluates Cross-Spectrum Industry Player Comments to Streamline Rules and Regulations

A recent cannabis hearing in Los Angeles had pot czar, Lori Ajax, admitting that the marijuana industry is in a state of confusion. She was commenting after chairing a hearing at which the difficulties and uncertainties surrounding the country’s fledgling and lucrative marijuana industry were tabled.The hearing was held to evaluate the opinions of cross-spectrum industry players as California considers streamlining its pot rules and regulations. Those invited to table their concerns included activists, business owners, consumers and lawyers who were given 90 seconds in which to tell Ajax their…

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Opium vs. Weed – What Is The Difference?

Weed and opium are not the same. They differ in many ways. Derived from the poppy plant, people have been cultivating and using opium since about 3,400 B.C. Marijuana is the buds of cannabis plants, and humankind has been growing and using it for much, much longer, at least 12,000 years. They differ in effects, therapeutic usefulness, mechanisms of action, and addiction risk: Differences in Effects: Opium vs. Weed Most know that opium is a powerful painkiller. It also promises feelings of euphoria and a very deep sense of physical…

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Marijuana and Wildfires in California: This Is the Story

California needs rain desperately. Fueled by large trees in massive canyons, a combined 6,000 acres has now burnt down by 18 wildfires. The worst of them blazed through marijuana country, torching full drying rooms, budding gardens, beloved homes, and entire ways of life. The fire season could rage unhindered until the first heavy rains fall in December. An estimated five times the quantity of marijuana that California needs is growing in the state. It is the largest domestic producer of cannabis in the United States, cultivating 13.5 million pounds every…

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A Brief Look at Cannabis Flavonoids

Until very recently, nobody really knew much about cannabis, except that it made you hungry and stoned. Science is now discovering a wealth of information about the plant. Thus far, it has identified well over 480 different compounds in marijuana plants, which primarily consist of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. What are flavonoids exactly, and what influence do they have on effects? Understanding Flavonoids and Their Function Flavonoids are common plant molecules that belong to the family of phytonutrients. You find them in almost all vegetables and fruits, and they are…

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7 Best Places to Buy CBD Online in the United States

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is now headline news. Scientists are discovering the medical miracle that is this molecule almost daily now, finding new therapeutic uses for it aplenty. CBD is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, but because it is not psychoactive like tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is, it does not make users stoned. For this reason, it has not been the subject of much interest until now. Where to Buy the Best CBD Products in the United States Ever since CBD stopped a seizure on live television, scientists have been studying…

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Landlords CAN ban you from smoking weed at home even if it’s legal in your state

Whether you live in Canada or the U.S.A., landlords CAN prohibit you from smoking weed on their premises. When Canada goes Green on the 17th October it becomes the first ever first-world country to legalize pot but, like America, the governments of its 10 provinces are each entitled to regulate laws surrounding marijuana. In other words, whether or not you can wind down at the end of the day with a tope very much depends on where you live. Let’s take a look. Quebec Take Quebec, for example, which has…

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LA Has Amended Local Commercial Cannabis Regs

The Los Angeles City Council has shoved its slow-motion legal cannabis process into gear with a number of amendments to existing regulations. Not only is it drafting legislation to reinvest weed taxes back into the community but has also called on its City Attorney and other departments to become more pro-active by clarifying, tightening and technically repairing the city’s current commercial cannabis legislation. The City Council has also introduced more stringent regulations for the licensing granting process to previously convicted felons. With California earmarked as the biggest marijuana marketplace worldwide,…

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The UK is the world’s biggest exporter of medical cannabis but dismisses its value as an effective treatment

The United Kingdom is the biggest exporter of legal marijuana but maintains its stick-in-the-mud conservative approach to decriminalizing the plant. Classified as a Class B drug, marijuana falls into the same category as amphetamines like barbiturates and speed, cathinones which include mephedrone, as well as synthetic cannabinoids. Ironically similar to the U.S. The irony of this situation is not dissimilar to the United States where recreational pot is being legalized at State-level but is still outlawed by the federal government which classifies it as a Schedule One drug, in the…

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Rescheduling weed could result in draconian control of the industry by the FDA

The dream of having marijuana removed as a Schedule One drug which has a classification comparable to heroin could actually end up being catastrophic for the industry. A move for the reclassification of weed to a Schedule II level could in fact result in draconian control of the weed industry by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Democrat Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer (NY) last month voiced his intentions of introducing a bill that will decriminalize pot at federal level. If successful, the bill would ensure that pot completely vanishes…

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Legal Weed and Legal Banking Spells even more profits for investors in Canadian marijuana stock

Marijuana stock market investors are wringing their hands with glee as their financial portfolios continue to sky-rocket, and with Canada expecting to join the legal gravy train by mid-year their future prospects are looking even rosier Up until now, the banking world has side-stepped the huge amount of cash flow generated by the weed industry but with Canada poised to become the first-ever first world country to legalize marijuana, one of the country’s top five banks has come out in open support of this new-age phenomena. Banks and Pot Have…

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